Shipping, warranty, data handling, terms of application
General terms and conditions
By browsing and using the “Atilla’s Legacy”, the user declares: he has read and accepted the contract terms and privacy policy of “Atilla’s Legacy” and its services.
In case of disagreement, of course, the system can not be used.
Legal information about your purchase:
About the items relevant to the supplier and the steps of the entering into an electronic contract the law of electronic trade services together with the law of services in connection with the information society (law CVIII. of the year 2001.) contains actions. The detailed terms of the right of cancelling the order are ruled by the Decree 45/2014. (II. 26.).
Naturally the shopping through Internet is under the actions of the law of consumer protection (law CLV. of the year 1997.) and the law about the Civil Code (law V. of the year 2013.)
Learn more at:
We reserve the right to change the price. If a product gets more expensive, we’ll tell the customer who can decide whether to ask for the product or stop shopping.
Provider data:
- Firm’s name: Atilla and Almos Ltd.
- Registered address: Gombosszeg, Petőfi Sándor u. 35., 8984 – Hungary
- EU VAT registration number: HU24278274
Available products and services:
Atilla and Álmos Ltd. distributes only homemade products.
The cost of delivery is not included in the stated prices.
Shipping Fees:
Hungarian delivery charges are displayed and selected when the products are placed in the basket.
Foreign shipping charges according to the current tariff of the mail order service.
A few example:
European Union, mainland+United Kingdom: 30€
Norway, Switzerland, Malta: 60€
Europe, others (as Russia, Turkey, Iceland, Canaries) 100€
North America 140€
South America 200€
Asia 150-200€, depending on exact country
Africa 200€
Pacific Region (Australia, New Zealand) 220€
The bill, receipt is included in the package. Please check the package at delivery before the delivery person, and if you see any damage on the product, ask for a record and do not take over the package. We will not be able to accept a subsequent, non-recorded complaint!
In EU countries there is no import tax on goods shipped from Hungary.
Outside EU there may be import tax, which is charged on the customer. We do not know the regulations and limits of different countries.
Atilla and Álmos Kft. will send an acknowledgment by e-mail.
The ordered product is delivered as indicated at the time of purchase by the customer
We take the statutory warranty for our products. Warranty can not be enforced on damaged, broken products, or by malfunctions caused of improper use. To claim the warranty, defected product must be returned. The cost of return shipping is borne by the buyer. Defective / problematic products should be sent to our postal address as a recommended shipment, then after we have determined the legality of the complaint, we will replace the product and post it to the specified address.
The warranty does not cover damage resulting from improper use.
The personal data provided at Atilla and Álmos Kft. Are handled confidential and will not be handed over to third parties. Exceptions to this are subcontracted data that is required, without which the fulfillment of the order is not feasible, such as postal, courier service, delivery information.
Thank you for the honor and trust!